Welcome to The Centre for Character and Leadership

We aim to be the leading center in promoting ethical behavior, peace and good governance

We contribute to community development and nation building by implementing programs that promote national cohesion, character growth and leadership development. To achieve our mission, we undertake community and institutional trainings with a focus on Character Education, National Values and Servant leadership.

Offers practical research driven strategies designed to steer working relationship between parents, teachers and communities in the interest of nurturing good character and morals into the lives of the young people.

Aims at mitigating the effects of climate change and global warming through advocating and leading in the implementation of service based learning initiatives with a key focus on reforestation.

Aims at mitigating the cycles of violence and negative ethnicity by training communities on principles of good citizenship, national values and peace building.

our Mission

To contribute to sustainable community development and nation building by implementing programs which promotes national cohesion and integration, character growth and leadership development.


Our partners